DOZ gaining once again title “Great place to work”

On May 27th, 2021, DOZ S.A. for the fifth time in a row has been awarded with the title of Great Place to Work – the Best Place to Work. The awarded distinction proves the consistent building of a company enjoying the trust of Employees. In an anonymous survey, they appreciated reliable communication, transparent rules of cooperation, high ethical standards and wide development opportunities offered by DOZ S.A. In this year’s survey, the company achieved the highest result among all editions in which it participated. This is the result of consistent cultivation of values and effective implementation of solutions meeting the needs of employees. This years, DOZ S.A. also received the Legends award : an award for companies that were among the winners of the Great Place to Work study five times in a row. This year, only four companies were awarded the Legend title. DOZ S.A. is the only Polish company with this title.